Web Directions Code 2013

Las cuestiones políticas de JavaScript

Angus Croll  · 




Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

this talk is the politics of JavaScript and the motivation is really I love the community the JavaScript community but I'm a little bit troubled by what I've been seeing recently in that community and I want to talk about that and I want to propose

some solutions don't know if you can see this I send a tweet out a few days ago as always working on my slides and realized how many famous people I said so far my slides for where directions includes Lennon Napoleon Nelson Mandela dick cheney a sad puppy

and a plate of french fries and my friend and colleague at Twitter palak replied guess you're missing to add it's Friday song by Ruben hip pecker black as background humming music and I was really tempted to actually add that but you'll be happy

to know I didn't I'm going to start with a brief survey of the JavaScript timeline starting with what i'm calling the anarchy years which was roughly the first ten years where you got stuff like this anyone else already enough to remember X experts

exchange ok looks like I'm the oldest one here so it was a real cut and paste culture and it was full of urgent requests for urgent code and need to fix this tomorrow everything was in the global scope I could just copy your code and run it in my code

and everything was supposedly fine then Ajax came along or lease Ajax became of available to everyone and that was quite a revolution and JavaScript began to be taken seriously with things like Google Maps gmail and those kind of things and then next three

years javascript really showed it it's good it's good side it really began to be taken seriously here's a few a few reasons for that this can gak seven on the on the left who's probably my favorite JavaScript developer I've just learned

so much from him and from his blog he did a lot to make JavaScript a serious was a language and let the idioms beyond just be understood there's coffee script which has done a lot to open up a language to other people who wouldn't necessarily be going

into it I wanted to make him prototype which is a framework which is not is used very rarely now or not by many people but I think they made a great contribution to where javascript is today by enabling first cross browser code ironed out the differences between

browsers but it also as we'll see later sort of engineered a lot of the changes that es5 later took up and made it official as part of the language it's also great code base if you ever want to just read the code and I learned a lot of JavaScript just

from reading through prototype and seeing what they were they were they were doing that it taught me a lot also we should mention firefox and chrome two browsers have really led the way with helping javascript developers both in terms of performance and in

terms of making developer tools available so then the last three years is what i'm calling the itch javascript is continuing continuing to flourish more and more code is being written in javascript than ever that's really really great but it's

also sort of the age of anxiety is what i'm calling it and it there's a lot of anger and a lot of frustration and sort of these are three quotes from leaders in the JavaScript community and that they're actually mostly good i mean i agree with

i don't agree with the first one but i strongly agree with the second and third one but they're indicative of the anger and the and the tribalism and people started to take sides and javascript it turns out is very easy to take sides on and the internet

helps to foster this kind of tribalism thing and there's a sense that people are happier to take sides and talk about what they what to tell people what you should do without actually having experienced and then written the code and that's a big issue

and I'm going to talk about that so it now onto the main part of the talk in when I decided to call my talk politics of JavaScript I started looking at political political and analogies and it turns out that a lot of political terms fit exactly into the

kind of struggle we're seeing in the jehovahs java community so I've divided this talk into five or six sections each of them named for the political or the the the political analogy that I'm trying to draw so let's start with paternalism so

you hear a lot javascript is hard don't necessarily agree with it don't think it's harder than any other language but you definitely hear it up here too long there's two ways we can go we can either we can either learn JavaScript or we can

hide for it and this kind of thing troubles me when when Douglas Crockford in the good parts says he's carved out a subset which is vastly superior to the language as a home so he's saying protect yourself by denying half of the features half of the

language features I'm not gonna let you have because you might hurt yourself I don't think that's a good way to grow the language and this is another thing you just see everywhere on all forums on Stack Overflow no attempt to explain just an overprotective

sense of oh you don't want to do is you wouldn't understand but just please keep away from this this is a good this is a good question these kind of questions need to be asked so there are certain people say to avoid the increment and decrement decrement

operators people don't really ask why that is this is a great answer and this answer actually epitomizes a lot of what I'm going to be talking about today so he says part of me wonders if it has more to do with a lack of experience perceived or actual

with JavaScript coders I can see how someone just hacking away at some sample code can make an innocent mistake with plus plus and minus moans but and this is the crux I don't see why an experienced professional would avoid them so we're all adults

will smart or supposedly smart just because we can go wrong with something doesn't mean we should avoid it entirely and for somehow we got into a mindset or a lot of the internet JavaScript communities gone to mindset stay away from this because it might

cause you trouble and I think that this is a problem excessive constraint them its innovation language is going to go sale if we don't keep exploring in that period from 2007 to 2010 and on beyond that we developed so made it so many idioms there's

so many great ways of doing things that's what I love about love about JavaScript there are so many ways to do everything and the solutions are kind of there waiting to be discovered and it's what makes it such a such a fun language so you know you

can limit yourself with innovation if you want predictable try try java there's only one way to do everything so you could try Java or you could try Canberra as sorry I publish them to put that slide and I've never actually been to canvas oh I don't

know but i understand it has a reputation here's some code you see this quite a lot something like this there's basically saying quit the program if X the argument X is undefined just quit the program now there's a type of check there which is

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