W3Conf 2013

Experiencias sobre la lectura digital

CJ Gammon  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

hi guys as Divya said my name is CJ gammon I'm on the web platform team at Adobe and the title of my talk is digital reading experiences or do androids read electric books and this title actually comes from the philip k dick novel any sci-fi fans in the

house okay cool awesome so this comes from his book do androids dream of electric sheep which is a science fiction novel taking place in the future dealing with themes of the human experience but what I want to talk about is the reading experience and how

that applies to the web and where we see this going in the future so before I begin I want to take a step back and think about what it is we're doing when we're reading and I really like this quote from Aristotle that says spoken words are the symbols

of mental experience and written words the symbols of spoken words because i think it reminds us that what we're doing when we're reading is actually engaging in experiences and ideas and the written word is a way of sharing and archiving information

for future generations and this is something that's fundamental to society and culture so when we think about reading experiences before computers and all our different devices came about we were primarily talking about print and print is a pretty mature

medium and there are a lot of different you know different genres that we have within it we've got things like comic books novels magazines newspapers and the list goes on but when we think about when we go beyond print oh sorry when we go beyond print

to the web what we're dealing with is a relatively young medium and while we're probably not really used to thinking of it that way we it's really not been around that long relative to print so in the beginning like any new medium the focus on

what it was really good at which was sharing information and not so much creating that optimal reading experience so we've come a long way since then and what I want to talk about now are some things we can do in the web today in some ways that we can

optimize our routing experiences on the web so these are just some rules of thumb that you can apply to your reading content on the web these might not apply to every web app or every website you're making but when your focus on is on creating an optimal

reading experience these should come in handy so the first one is your font there are a ton of great resources out there for using web fonts today things like edge web fonts Google web fonts typekit and many more and you can all use these to make your reading

experience is that much more engaging and powerful you don't want to rely on the browser for font styles things like bold and italics you want to make sure that these are included in the font family you're using whether using one of these services

or using at font-face you want to make sure that this is specified otherwise you can get unexpected results when you're bolding a font that may already be bolded or just have unwanted unwanted results you also don't want to overwhelm the user with

fonts because this can cause what I like to call the ransom note effects which basically it's distracting to the reader and they have a hard time concentrating on your content because there's so many different things going on the page you also want

to use high contrast when using multiple fonts so for example I may want to use a sans-serif bold font for my header and a serif font from my body copy and this will communicate to the reader that there are differences between these types of content within

my page so font size is really important for readability I recommend you use the default font size for long readable content now this is going to default to 16 pixels in the browser and it will respect whatever the user adjust their default font size to but

this may seem large but there's actually a great article by information architects where they compare the I distance from a screen when reading to the I distance from a page when a user's reading and these sizes are actually quite comparable to 16

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