Symfony Live Portland 2013

10 lecciones aprendidas al enseñar a programar con Symfony

Ryan Weaver  · 




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all right you guys right go I have I have I would love to let everyone talk and did you guys bring like doughnuts for everybody seriously guys are awesome so there's Donuts back there pretty free to get up during my talk and make your way over for for

refills of doughnuts I would let you have longer break but we didn't have a time for break right now so I'm just going to dive right into it so let's go alright so welcome good morning this is me who might this is the one slide where I get to talk

about myself and you guys get to figure out why they let me come up here a little bit if you know me you probably know me from the documentation how many people here are native English speakers good all of you are available to be beads on the documentation

you want come in the symphony community and you start you know knocking out with some English slang and things like that and you garage right to the top so for all of you especially people are getting into symphony that's a good way to do it and work really

nice so if you want to contribute up like I said just having English is your native language kind of put you up top there oh let's see here I also work for KMP labs we do a lot of training consulting that's want to talk about today AB it's what

happens when we travel around many places and train lots of people what kind of things can we learn about that experience and for me most interesting Lee is I'm also a writer for camp university we have screencast teachings PHP and Symphony kind of in

a correct way and hopefully a boring white and most importantly she even here is liana even in here yes I was going to call you out for hiding for a second but she's not and most importantly i'm the husband of the as they say much more talented liana

raise your hand this is in the middle how many of you have not met Leanna yet okay about half it's actually pretty good yeah she's friendly so I'm almost surprised that even half of you haven't met her yet so meet her after this if you haven't

been to any of my talks before you know that she loves high fives so keep the tally or like last conference help you did you get your up like 25 or something that even though is the last talk of the conference so find her cool so this is our year so far symphony

and I have been on many adventures together we've traveled to over a dozen cities we've been in 15 different companies we've seen lots of different things done poorly done what symphony and I have run to catch airplanes we rode in cabs together

we rent cars together sometimes I Drive sometimes Symphony lets me sleep passenger seat so it's been a bit of a romance as we've gone to all these different places over the last few months this is us in California they're enjoying some Mexican

this is us in Burlington Vermont Symphony forgotten there as you can see that's very cold this is us up in Vancouver traveling as well so and you know it's it's we'd like to have a little bit of fun too so this is actually the first one here

from Portland as um simply and I we have some adventures and basically i'm gonna do is talk to you guys all about that today so first thing I kind of have a bit of a weird overview of what's happening in some areas of the symphony community just because

I just randomly get invited to lots of interesting companies so wanna tell you guys the good news and and why it's you all should be happy to be symphony developers or your drupal developers why it's interesting that you're going to be learning

parts of symphony there we go first thing and I'm going to kind of go through this quick about this is a talk is a little bit of raw raw raw of getting all the different communities together and somebody feel very passionate about as PHP right now and

it's not because of God me Sara Lee but guys like Bob Ian and many other contributors were sort of a a generation of quality right now and it's all about quality probably talked about that with this Kino last night which is sort of interesting i'll

have entire groups that are coming from java and i'll say okay day one so tell me what you guys think about PHP and of course it's like a joke because everyone starts laughing because they're all coming from object oriented stuff there's really

not the case anymore right we're doing some amazing things PHP in fact like really best practice stuff so it's about cooperation with things not going to talk about composure hopefully all of you guys know composer at this point but this is a really

big deal because it means that we're actually going to leverage ourselves in attack as an entire community if you're on my top last year at symphony live I showed a little google trends that showed PHP way up here and just for sake of looking at it

was Ruby down here so kind of like how much are people searching for PHP Ruby then it's the same thing for rails and it switched rails up here and then Symphony coding either zend framework even things like drupal kind of further below so we have as a

PHP community of a very large and if we can actually work as one unit the pants we can actually be that big then I'm gonna talk a little more about that later as well but that was kind of my favorite last year and it's somebody that i like to harp

on as much as possible interoperability i'm not going to talk about this again hopefully most people have heard petrie standards repository if you haven't go to their site it's basically called the psu warlords come together and they things the

last one is the newest thing that they agreed on and that one's kind of interesting as far as interoperability because it ended up with interesting things like this symphony used to have its own logger interface and now uses sort of a PHP standard auger

interface and this is kind of the symphony's is you can think of symphony as two things one give as a framework and a lot of us use as a framework or you can think as sort of a as fabien use the word the other day middleware basically these low-level architecture

things and that's why those are the pieces that were brought in to load up architecture things all the projects although piece we web projects they all saw the same problems like logging so hey if we can all use the same walk interface and life's gonna

be a lot easier because no matter who makes a logger it's an implement this interface and we can just use whatever longer that we want in fact in kind of a nefarious way my name is that dislike in some ways about PHP is when we duplicate effort we have

like 15 longer interfaces this sort of when i'll implement the same interface it actually kind of helps that i think because it almost seems it's one thing it's silly to have 15 loggers it's even sillier to have 15 loggers that i'll implement

the same interface AKA do the exact same thing all the way down to the method names themselves well the last thing again as coming back to quality and i'm going to talk about this briefly but there's just buzzwords that we're kind of bringing to

the greater peace between his group i'm into our you know certain learning symphony more and more these are really the things and I just kind of put a couple buzzwords up here these really the things that they're learning its interfaces dependency

injection object oriented stuff services and of course service-oriented architectures that term that I put up there um so again these are the kind of like reasons that we should be excited wanted to bring in quality and what kind of the forefront of bringing

that quality out to PHP faint number two is symphony is moving really really quickly so as while you're you know have your head down working on your sippy 2.1 application when you come up for air six months later there's a whole bunch of things that

haven't put into symphony try to figure out a way i was doing presentations like how can we quantify this so how can we figure out how can I tell people I could tell them things like this number of pull requests of inversion this amount of time or you

know the symphony if I mean you had said it's like the fourth most popular or most active project fourth most active project on all of github in 2012 which is incredible because that's you know that's everything Ruby and rails PHP and everything

else but I thought the easiest way to do is to look at some code haven't any code yet so this is actually never never seen this before this has never seen the light of day this is actually the code that runs the symphony development process they look about

right so this is 2010 and we've been sort of migrating it since then to kind of try things out and see basically how far we can push things 2011 2012 and then this year we merged the pull request into this really to get things going it looks like that

now if you had more practically if you actually want to keep up with this stuff fabien in Islam assuming you continue not to sleep I mean actually is renewing blog posts almost every few days basically since december of two thousand flowing all the way back

to December 2012 this is on symphony calm under the blog under the living on the edge section and just tells you they're quick reads that's like yours for new features here the community members that develop them because the vast majority of the new

features are coming from people like you here's how to use them here's why they're awesome so go ahead and check that out go on the third reason that it's good to be in symfony right now is we're playing on a big stage and not going to

repeat some things that you've already heard you like you can see some of the other speakers here are ruling something out in very large installations we see the same thing with we're going to companies where there they might actually have 20 different

websites and they're kind of standardizing around symphony and like they're doing really really wonderful things with it so it's getting butt into a lot of large companies a lot of large websites because of the quality behind it because they need

to be able to build code bases that are actually going to scale from a performance standpoint also scale from a quality standpoint it's also getting bought of course into lots of open source projects like this this isn't this is a list that I frantically

stole from Fabien and I saw a presentation of his two days ago so it's not an exhaustive list of things that Symphony is getting brought into but it is several of them if you want an exhaustive list you have to talk to Fabien because he's the one that's

going out there and bullying the other lead developers of these projects to get them to actually get to use Symphony parts of symphony inside of there the two that I didn't know about until this week actually were magento which has tweaked inside of it

right now and then joomla which is actually brought in the yellow component so it's just little things we search these simply kind of all over the place and all these different projects which is really interesting and of course drupal was on that list

and this is very very important for us has anybody wandered over and seen how many drupal people are over there i think some of you are from the drupal conference you've seen you wandered over that side if you have not wanted over to to the convention

center in kind of on the outside of the exhibit hall do it's a circus over there and I mean that in all the best ways they have 3,500 people's which could be said in you know this is very very important to us and it's it's sort of a dream come

true in some ways because we're our community has gotten so much bigger and this is a good thing as far as productivity goes just like all the interesting problems that we're gonna be able to solve as a team also they're really really friendly

I've gotten to know several amount of people in the Drupal community over the last six six months and 12 months and they're awesome in silly almost to a fault so they're really really nice and of all the communities for us to get kind of thrown

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