DrupalCon Prague 2013

Sesión doble: La evolución de Drupal y Usando PHPStorm para programar Drupal

Erik Evrard, Mikhail Vink  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

alright well ladies and gentlemen welcome and thank you for being here as you know I'm facing fierce competition from several excellent other presentations elsewhere my talks called d for da windy for drupal and you may think that's a very strange

name vist Who am I my name is Eric Everett and I'm actually physicist not a biologist as you might expect from the title I've been doing physics since the 80s and there we worked already with internet with mosaic and I've known Drupal since 4.7

which makes it already a long time and I work for one agency which is a Drupal shop I would call it a brutal shop with brains and we do typically the biggest stuff bigger projects integrations challenging projects with approximately 80 people so it was an

idea who we are but why why this talk what's the purpose of it and and well I think our main concern is software sustainability as we come into contact with these larger customers we see these big legacy systems and sometimes I wonder these dinosaurs will

Drupal ever become a dinosaur itself and also on the other side customers ask the same question before are asking purchasing Drupal they will make sure sometimes the Drupal is the right choice and Drupal will not become a legacy system a dinosaur especially

when they invest five or six digit budgets into a new system and also we love love Drupal I don't want to see it perish actually so I'd like to to know at least where will it had what's going to happen with it it exists now for 13 years will that

last for another 13 years now there's a warning and this is a very famous saying from a fellow physicist niels bohr predicting is very difficult especially about the future and i think you get the pun of that now despite the fact we can't predict the

future what we can do is study the pasts and open source software hasn't been around for very long not long enough but life has been around for very long life's been around for millions of years and that makes it interesting because there are analogies

and maybe we can apply those on software and open source software development so again disclaimer I've already said it I'm not a biologist so anything I might say about biology may be scientifically not correct and I'm not really Drupal to expert

either although I've been around with working with Drupal since 4.7 I'm not really a programmer I'm not a developer okay now if you look at this picture and most people who would see this they would think oh this is a molecule this is just some

molecule with atoms but then you of course because you know better you look at these little tags you see straight away that this is actually a representation of Drupal a Drupal of 2005 so it makes it four point seven or five I'm not sure now this has been

made and this is a real molecule right this has been made with goes and goes actually a system that just reads a repository like get to svn and it creates these beautiful images cakes you make videos so this is just the one example and it takes five minutes

so i'm not going to show it you in full this has been drupal as it was since 2000 made by dreese evolving through time with adding complexity and i'll just fast forward a little this is around 2009 so we're there we end rupal six already going

to ripple seven and if you see how quickly things have changed in the past few years and you can see this online this is really a fancy movie very fascinating to watch for five minutes and he will approach 2012 with Drupal 7 almost at its end and Drupal 8

coming up and and this is where we are now to at least last year beginning of the year and as you can see this looks really like the development of molecules so I found this very fascinating and this is just a few screenshots of the year with the last one

now back to biology everybody knows James Charles Darwin of course and in 1859 it traveled around the world on his boat and wrote after he returned this book the Origin of Species and of course he went to the Galapagos Islands and one of the discoveries he

made is that there are turtles so thought was is and they're very strange they look like the other ones on the continent in South America and Africa but they've got this huge long necks and why because the cactuses with nice fruits that they like so

much really tall so they've adapted to the local conditions and that's what triggered his development of his theories so his theories of course based on the famous points common descent and in descent with modification and natural selection so we all

at least if there's a mother or a female in a male we may inherit features from both or not and well one of the things related to to to the devolution theories survival of the fittest have many people use this term actually it's a very wrong term and

I'm not going to win why although we might think that survival is of course very important and it actually it happens but rather we call this now an adaptive complexity and that's what we are heading to also it open source software adapting to conditions

that are changing all the time one thing that is actually you and this is where biology is also also influenced by people is that we have things like called artificial selection we can breathe free and it's been done for ages now are people ever since

they domesticated the dog has changed the dog it doesn't look like a wolf anymore it looks very very different and they're actually many kinds of dogs now one other thing I'd like to say and this was an interesting link I was not the first one

to make this link between biology and technology for years after Darwin this gentleman samuel butler who is actually a novelist wrote a few interesting and one of them was about technology and how it would also evolve as biology and he actually predicted in

1863 that computers at least machines would overtake humans someday humans would be less or wouldn't be inferior to machines they would evolve there would gain consciousness and all that and I think this is pretty early to discover this so he actually

said technology and biology both are subject to the same laws of evolution and we've learned more of course since since Darwin we've discovered DNA and DNA it looks very much like software code if you look at it it's a way of coding things in our

bodies and our cells and it looks like code and you can change it now and this is fascinating now one thing that looks different is what we call radically new technologies where there was no gradual evolution it's true that some technologies have evolved

some things have been improved over the years but others have been really new one example is a piston engine and suddenly it was replaced by a jet engine and it's not that a jet engine is an improved version of the piston engine it's a new insight

so this happens and this is something that doesn't really happen in nature so there's a difference that's our human creativity at work sometimes our inventions certainly nowadays are combinations of things we call this combinatorial evolution gps

navigation for example this is a combination of many things physics electronics rocket science to put the satellites into orbit and software and in these fields there are actually many many things that we are required to make a GPS navigation system to work

now this has been done ever since humans have been been smart now one thing is that technology is actually autopoietic and that's a very difficult word for saying self creating which means it it reinvents itself all the time from one technology another

emerges just like life that's like cells cells split into two but change slightly or more than slightly and this happens with technology as well all the time we're constantly evolving constantly improved is actually very little cases where things stay

the same and this makes it so dynamic that's why it is actually able to resist changes of conditions and the environment so what does this tell us it's tell us that every living species stands on top of a pyramid so it's based on his ancestors

secondly all the future species will be derived from the ones living now and finally it's not really the novelty of species it's not what it's doing now it's what it is able to produce in the future and that's very important if you think

of Drupal we have to think of the future and not just of the very near feature that you want you have to think ahead you have to think strategically if you want to mimic really biology and actually you can translate you can replace all these words living species

by technology and this is true this is all correct this is again without combinatorial evolution first we discover fibers that they have strength so we make rope and then with rope we can we discover that friction creates heat and heats creates fire and with

the fire we can melt iron ore and with the or we can make metal tools and then with the metal tools and the rope we can make an axe this is a very short example of the GPS combinatorial evolution but in the stone age right or in the iron age in this case now

one very important question is what about complexity it seems that all these things get more and more complex and that is true of course the GPS navigation system is slightly more advanced than the next made of iron and wood but is it always the case well

it turns out that it's mostly the case there is some if I take back this the the scheme with the evolution of human life on earth you'll see that it gets from very low cells to to us and we think of us being more or the advanced species of course of

course and this is related to and entropy that's changing that's increasing things tend to be more complicated but it's not always true as I said parasites actually did the opposite they went from a very advanced species to a lower function why

because then they actually gave up some body functions and then used somebody else's it's also a way of working and it actually works as well but it is rather the exception and rule but it is possible to simplify things but it means that you have to

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