RubyConf 2014

Introducción a Elixir para programadores Ruby

Benjamin Tan  · 




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I'm super excited to be here my name is Benjamin and today I'm inviting everyone to have a sip of elixir I'm from Singapore and I took three flights and 20 hours just to get here and join everyone over here will be calm thank you so i'll do

the obligatory employ your thing my trip has been made possible by Neil who has kindly sponsored my tickets and a commendation and obviously we are hiring we have officers in multiple locations in the US and we have one in Singapore please come to speak to

me if you are interested also a huge thank you to the rubicon committee for well organizing this entire conference amazing and also giving me an opportunity to come and speak to all of you and I must say the rubicon committee has a great taste in choosing

my top I have a confession I have never written a single line of code using tread new in Ruby treads somehow feel like the wrong kind of abstraction to think about concurrency new Texas synchronization condition variables critical sections and the list goes

on so many different ways to shoot yourself in the foot I persevered I love Ruby but concurrency wasn't one of Ruby's strongest points as you've seen in various other talks yet I wanted to be able to program concurrently I wanted to be able to

program for multi multi core computers without losing my sanity in 2005 a famous article title the free lunch is over me is round around the internet in stated that the speed of cereal micro processors was already reaching its physical limit this means that

in order to increase performance companies such as intel or AMD had instead of increasing the raw clock speed had to squeeze in more cause into a single chip more importantly for us software developers this means that we will be forced to write massively multitrader

programs to make use of such processors so now not only I couldn't write concurrent programs but someone was not going to give me any free lunch life was starting to look pretty bleak I stumbled onto ill except mostly due to the hype I've been playing

with it a little over a year now which makes me an elixir expert but I am really having so much fun I think it would be almost criminal not to share this with you so of course I'm not coming to ruby conference and asking you to switch languages instead

I'm encouraging each of every one of you to be more promiscuous in your languages elixir just happen to be the leg choice I picked here's what we learned today we look at Alexis tooling and we will also look at the concurrency and fault tolerance features

in elixir I have record of you exactly i have recorded a few examples because life coding is hard so we can see some elixir code in action finally we will build a very simple HTTP load tester where we can see concurrency and distribution come together lots

of interesting things to learn many fun things to do let's do this so an x-ray is created by josie valley you might know him from his work with such things such as device and some ruby framework in a nutshell Alexis a functional and concurrent language

built on the Erlang virtual machine you might know that Erlang excels in building soft real-time concurrent distributed systems and its reliability is pretty legendary I hope not many people not many people around here have used a line before otherwise you

will notice a lot of loopholes in the story I'm going to tell you next Erlang was born in Erickson's ciesla in stockholm sweden Joe Armstrong and along with this tree fine gentlemen created Erlang Erickson wanted to find a better way to program the

telephone switch here's roughly how a telephone switch works a collar makes a phone call and the request arrives at the switch the switch will then connect to the receiver obviously the switch will have to be able to handle multiple calls coming in and

up but not only that each of the telephone switch should be able to communicate with each other Ericsson during the time in the 1980s had a programming language that could run on these telephone switches unfortunately there were two problems the first one

was it took way too long to write programs in that language and secondly that language had a problem in that it couldn't turn these telephone switches into true multiprocessor systems Erlang was therefore created to suit these needs and to tackle this

problem this feel relatively small and obscure companies use Erlang you might be able to recognize some of them so what does elixir bring to the table then is it just another coffee script for a line thankfully not so these are some other things which elixir

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