Northeast PHP 2013

Cómo pueden mejorar los programadores la experiencia de usuario

Eryn O'Neil  · 




Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

this is you can you x2 avoiding the programmers interface hi Mick websites and he kind of gave it away but i'm not a UX professional I have no formal qualifications to give you this talk so if you're actually US professionally you might just want to

leave because i'm going to use all the words around you're going to be disappointed sorry messin up with my eye i'm not a narrative designer I'm a nefarious architect and their content strategist and I am definitely not a designer my my coworker

offered money with the slides and in retrospect I should have taken him up on it but I at least want to thought that was an aerial no I'm a software engineer at clockwerk it's an agency in Minneapolis Minnesota and being an interactive agency we do

a lot of projects so everything from brochure sites that are really beautiful but not necessarily like technically challenging to content heavy sites that have really high user demand so like we do the site for the ymca for example so there's not a lot

of technical challenges there but there's a lot of stuff to sort through a lot of people who want to get information out of that site and then we do everything to e-commerce so that is a marriage of both technical problems and user problems because if

no one can use your site no one's going to buy your stuff no one's going to pay you to write phase two so we do stuff that is just across the board and I think that we make websites that are really I think they're technically on top of their game

we use best practices from semantic HTML straight through to you know server security but that's not what makes websites good and it's not makes our websites good what makes our sites good our sweet secret to our success is that we focus on user experience

first and foremost so every step of the process gathering requirements talking to clients writing the doves plan doing the test cases they're all based on the user's experience and what someone should see at the end of the process so if I'm not

a developer not a UX person why am I qualified to give this job well I I'm giving this talk for the same reason I think you should be here and that's that programmers need to care very deeply about the interfaces that they write real fast how many

people here right mostly front end stuff front-end code HTML CSS okay how many people do mostly back-end so PHP on the server that's a pretty equal split I'm kind of surprised that's awesome but that's the split right so when we talk about

it it's like well i live in the browser or i live on the server and if what you do is on the server what's happening on the browser just feels like a million miles away you're like I got classes I got a key eyes I just rewrote this thing to use

MongoDB I don't even like everything here don't even care it's happening in the browser but that's the thing is that if you don't have something in the browser no one can see that you just rewrote that thing to use MongoDB and they'll

never appreciate how smart you are for doing that so it can be like you want to just be like keep your fluffy stuff you keep you keep your HTML you worry about the modal's I queries to write but but that is not going to suffice if you actually want to

write software that is good and if it doesn't have a good interface people are still going to use it but they won't be happy they're gonna use it till something better comes along and then you're out of a job so you need to be thinking about

all the way through keeping your website something that you did want to use and I also think that programmers are uniquely positioned to have an opinion on user interfaces because we write them and that sounds silly but think about it if you're a composer

you write music but you also play an instrument and at first glance it's like old uh but composers don't have to play an instrument that instrument is how they get their idea out that instrument is what's between what's in their brain and you

understanding the marks on the paper need to sound like this so it's a tool the piano is the ultimate prototyping engine and they use it to get their ideas on the same thing for your interfaces whatever you're doing on the back end that's cool

that can be your focus but if you aren't making an interface that tells people what your ideas are then you're totally losing entertain to share your ideas and furthermore I think you can do it I think they divide between UX people and developers is

totally arbitrary and yes ux people have a ton of training and a ton of focus and they will be always better at it than i will be i think i can totally grant that but the idea that it's black and white the idea that there's front-end back-end yeah

I do that there's UX nerd that's outdated that's holding we need to move away from that because just like think of it this way we probably use more software than anybody in the world like I used 20 different software packages from Apache to act

to PHP just to write software all day and then I go home use 20 more software packages to watch hulu and to browse the internet and to track my fitness and to do any of that stuff and once you use something enough you start to get qualified to have opinions

on you didn't go to school for it you might not have read don't make me think yet but you know what works and what doesn't like you know when something's kind of sucks to use and when it's not so bad it's just like if you watch reality

TV long enough you're going to get an opinion on who should win Dancing with the Stars it's the same thing so don't feel like you don't have a right to be in this top or to be having opinion about this as a user of software you can help design

the internet even as it does so I am going to talk about practical actionable things that you can do to make your UX experience better for yourself and your users I'm going to talk about how to work with the UX person in your life if you're lucky enough

to have one and I'm going to talk about why you should care but first let's answer the obvious question from the title of the talk what is the programmers interface it's that and it's that and Linus forgive me but a lot of times it's that

and you'll notice i'm running linux but it's still 10 and it's bad and it's it's every time an interface looks a whole lot more like a database then it looks like a piece of software it's when you can look at that software and understand

exactly what the columns are that that person is trying to fill out and and that's where it comes from I like to think of it as giving a visual to scope creep because what happened it didn't start this way oh sorry it didn't start this way I have

faith and whoever wrote this but they never meant that to happen they started with a reasonable set of features and then someone came in and said oh oh what about it I need to need to do that they're like oh okay well that's fine i can i can add that

to the remove section and then another manager came in and said oh but it also it needs to also we have clients that do it this way and you're like oh well okay i can accommodate that edge case and then you show it to a developer buddy and they're

like oh my god if you expose this one parameter i can use this for this other thing and it'll be great and you're like well I can expose that and eventually you end up with this and it's checkboxes that disabled radio buttons on the other side

of the screen and it's like you can't even figure out what I don't even know what the software does except for the title in the window so no one meant to do this it just sort of happened as a result of a bad process around forming the UN so I just

need to hammer this home you aren't inherently bad at UX you are just a victim of a process that isn't adequately respecting what your brain has to do to make good you but why care we have we have UX people right and like that's their job they'll

tell me what to write a little something deal but that's a cop-out all software has users whether you're writing something for the command line which is pretty much going to be only touched by other ober nerds or you writing something for eternal clients

or you're writing something for bona fide end users everything's a song for you right has a user's api's have users twilio they if you don't know them they're an SMS sort of flow and telephony company they're doing great stuff and

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