Northeast PHP 2013

Cómo contratar buenos ingenieros

Bryan Healey  · 


PPT (pincha para descargar)



Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

and ok I'm really lost I'm like this yes yes so I moved ABC this I've heard of each of the components that go ahead so I just an actual photos cross-functional you know dr. Phil universe yeah it's full years teaching online strap or strapless

dress alright that stuff this everything yeah yeah shave your 10 rivers continuum a flexible dependency free library device agnostic modular bacon coated framework ABC library schulich stratton consider you're responsible css-based have architecture background

juices gotcha yes slightly index file is this working on our 60 question you near the place I can be stretching you mean you're lying stretched best among good i just didn't the next work properly I openoffice so on its own apt just did that go settles

you're like forget your presentation each other alright well hello sorry for the technical issues I worked almost exclusively linux and did not like the export to Microsoft PowerPoint all the formatting I lost so so I guess I just washed off tell a very

short story so sorry right when welcome Brian you into our conferences first time speaker at our conference one to Northeastern University work on our official intelligence he works a company called name media and he's going to tell us how to find and

so i'll start off by just telling a red very short story so several years ago i was applying for a senior engineering position at a very young startup and i was going to be the second technologist and sixth employees so very early on scheduled early morning

interview they called me about 18 minutes late and after about 20 seconds of very easy pleasantries like hello and good morning i was asked very quickly so tell me how many ping-pong balls inside an airplane anyone who's worked in technology probably has

heard this question since then it became kind of popular months companies how i'm doing hiring but i'd never heard it before so after a moment of confusion i immediately started asking a lot of follow-up questions you know how BIG's the airplane

how big are the ping pong balls do i need to worry about packaging them is this more theoretical thought condition or after struggling through the front door and does this include the cargo hold and just wanting to get more information that as an engineer

I can nail down an algorithm and actually figure out the size and to every question I got I asked i got very frustrating answers I got answers like the standard size of a 747 or the standard size of a ping-pong ball or maybe or either or very other very vague

answers as an engineer I found that very frustrating you know I want to find variables to problems and plug them into an equation and get an answer so that they were trying to hire an engineer seemed odd to me that they would ask question this way and I've

since learned that I think I know what they were trying to do which is just get a basic idea of how I think but the question I posed is do you think that helps them at all and my argument is that kind of but not enough since then I've gone on to be a technical

lead I've done my hope hiring I've worked for a couple other startups and I've come to realize that the reason why a lot of hiring is weird and different and complexes because hiring it's probably the biggest challenge of manager faces not

because it's particularly difficult but just because of how big of an impact it can have especially going to start up where money is tight and you need best people you can get for she pleased you can get them and you know I mean it's a really good

engineer can change the dynamic of a team I mean anybody who's worked with that kind of a really senior talent can see that you know they take charge they'll be mentors they'll really help young engineers they'll you know open up the process

and at the same time somebody who's not a good fit for a team even if it's not the fault of the higher e they just not at the right stage of life somebody's worked for you know fortunate I Brown company their whole lives is going to have a different

experience working for a start-up and vice versa they will potentially very damaged a teen you know somebody who's very used to really rigid processes comes into a start up with three people they might have difficult time adapting to you know hundred hour

weeks and insane release schedules so it's really important I feel especially i start up to really cautious about how to hire and try to really flesh out how good of in here somebody is and in my opinion in my experience very few companies doing a good

job at this so i wanted to talk a little bit about what i think a lot of companies do wrong and what I think a lot of companies should do and I want to preface the whole talk by saying that a lot of hiring much like a lot of engineering in general is very

subjective this is just my opinion in my experience and I welcome people to challenge me on them but this is just what I've found so first I just want to talk about a couple of things I think companies don't do correctly the first one that worries

me when people hiring is any company that immediately engages in trying to find out how good you are memorizing things I don't know how many of you have ever experienced this but you get on a call and you just get a litany of questions over a half an hour

that how many you know tell me how to write a regular expression to strip out numbers out of a strand tell me animate things and Jay gray is just very specific very focused questions that are technology-specific and all that's really determining is either

a how quickly you can google appear on the phone and sitting on a computer or be how well you memorize things which bothers me mostly because people could do the higher end should know that it's an unwritten rule the industry if you don't memorize

really specific things we have the internet now it makes it really easy to find solutions to common problems and getting good junya when they find a solution to a problem that isn't common will quickly comment about it they'll blog about it they'll

write about it and it comes available you know especially with the time constraints most engineers have you don't want to have to memorize everything or look everything up in a book everything's you'd be resourceful you look up code you use open

source software that's available you know you have to work quickly and memorizing a lot of various things is just not going to help you get there in a common quote that's attributed to about 20 famous people so I'm not even going to bother saying

one but i like the sentiment is don't commit to memory anything that can be looked up in a book and i think that that sentiment should be extended to the internet anything you can quickly find in two seconds on a google search should help you which by

the way for the record if you google how many ping-pong ball spins that airplane is the first results on Boeing's website and its 19 million apparently it's without the seats that's the the entire cargo hold the entire hall number two and this

kind of arc is back to my original example company is try not to have engineers solve logic puzzles without boundaries you know when I get where logic puzzles exist like I said they're trying to figure out how you think they want to get you to break down

solving problems but if you don't actually let them attempt to solve the problem all you're doing is is giving them a situation that pretty much anybody can do anybody can take a problem and try to say well I need to know how much room there is I need

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