JSFoo 2013

Red Raphaël, la librería gráfica más avanzada para JavaScript

Sushant Sudarshan  · 




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hey thank you guys sorry for the delay now we've got things running so Sunil has already introduced me so i'll not bother with that I'll just get with it now that we've already be certain so retro file is something that we have built on top

of her file as a rendering library and before I get into you know details of red roof I'll let me just give you an overview of how read her file came to be so fusioncharts is traditionally a flash charting component it is known as a flash charting component

it was known as a flash taunting component we are trying to change that image we had built our credo based on charge that we had created which worked really well in the flash ecosystem and you know for a long time things were going really well ill so we all

know that Steve Jobs is he was very vocal about how he felt about flash and when iPad and iphones came out and they did not support flash we kind of had a lot of catching up to do in terms of you know supporting getting our charts on iPads and iPhones so there

were already other players in the market who were who had jazz charts so we partnered with high charts and we created a fallback JS module which we which would render the Arts in environments where flash was not available like ipad and iPhones and stuff but

when we started doing that we realized that a lot of people were complaining about how our flash charts looked a lot better than our JavaScript charts so we spent a lot of time and effort trying to make our J's charts look like a flash charts and that

is when we realize that what we were doing was probably not you know the right way to go out it and we decided that we should stop doing that so then we decided that you know this was more of a temporary arrangement we should do something that is more long-term

we decided we decided to have our own graphics renderer we wanted to build on top of something that was already available because we did not want to obviously be invent the wheel Devils there were a lot of good frameworks available bond cjs paper Jas dojo

GFX or a file jess was something we looked at and among all of the frameworks that we had looked at we like Rafael so i'll tell you why we chose the file in a bit but you know the story doesn't end here so we chose the file and then we were like super

excited about having our own graphics renderer we we got the source code we started developing we started porting our fusion charge framework to the raffle library and that's when we started realizing that again you know there is something that we have

overlooked in terms of the capabilities of the library itself so then we figured that we could either fix the issues that were there in the file or maybe invest time in looking for something else that was out there which would suit our needs better but we

decided that we had already invested some time and raffle and it really it actually fundamentally is a very good library for rendering graphics so we decided we will fix all the issues that were facing that we were facing with Rafael and yeah that's how

read the file came to be so retro file is basically a graphics library that we have built on top of Rafael and it is sort Rafael is not for advanced graphics red raw file is totally for advanced graphics so like if graphics is your bread and butter then you

know you are our target customers right then how that was the history let's get to the boring technical stuff why was a ref I'll the obvious choice oh uh Raphael hand fusioncharts have one thing in common the most is that they are very focused about

providing cross browser support which is not ignoring vml based browsers which are I n i6 i7 IE etc so as a developer myself I have a lot of pain points about you know giving cross browser support but having said all that it is we cannot ignore the fact that

there are a lot of people who use vml based browsers and as a matter of principle we decided not to ignore them so we have always wanted to cater to everybody like it's an idealistic goal I know but you know that's how we are it also has a really cool

library of functions where you can perform mathematic graphical operations like path transformations bounding back box calculations just using math so that was another cool thing it extends it lends itself to being extended very nicely I will talk about that

later and last but definitely not least it was open source so you know total control on the code right so how many of you have actually heard of profile JS here awesome how many of you have actually used the file JCL Oh still pretty good so for those who don't

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