JSFoo 2013

Programando robots voladores con JavaScript

Felix Geisendörfer  · 




Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

our next speaker is sri confer degree from active sphere he's personally sponsoring part of your beard so you can bug him for extras it's true well he's right so he works with active sphere and he's been hacking on he likes JavaScript and Ruby

that's what he does for work he's been hacking on this little device called the AR Drone it's a it's a quadcopter and he's been messing with it using the node API and using this he's been using this to teach kids programming and he

wants to see what he's come up with so yeah that that's pretty much it so everybody give a big round of applause for she can't forgive you shrieks apparently we have calculated about a six to ten percent chance of a fatality in the next 20 minutes

just saying because of the hotspot yes I will find that person yeah no yeah can you any I'll good good good so I'm chicken I work for actors feel like something introduced I we're talking about programming flying robots it's like a really broad

sort of thing so specifically I'll be talking about our drone how many of you heard of are drawn oh pretty cool how many have a drone oh very good we should talk so without much do I mean I'll be like actually I'll just show it it's basically

a quadcopter I have it here it looks just like this let me stick the whoops yeah I've got some notes there but like ignore it I guess I can't avoid it so it's kind of battery that comes along with it stick it in it also has USB thing which sort

of lets you record stuff yep it's flipped on its own so this is the hollow that we sort of attach to it just to protect you guys and this thing itself from doing bad stuff so basically what I plan to do is sort of flight hope it all works can I go back

to the cool so just just a couple of mornings it's really safe you don't there's like somebody said it's really safe nobody nobody's gotten hurt from what I've heard yeah yeah yeah yeah so don't touch the rotors it's for me

rather than you guys I don't think it'll hurt you I think if it breaks the rotors I'll have to get them and like do stuff with it yeah other than that I'll probably show you how to cut it or like stop making it like just just to avoid injury

so let me switch back to the that's good I'm sorry I just strange so oh okay okay okay let the fun begin sorry wrong place so basically what I'm trying to do is see if I can can you see our drone there that one thank you so I forgot to mention

basically sets up a Wi-Fi connection so you basically connect to it and then you can do stuff with it so if you see my if config it's got like 192 168 it's got a adapt port from our drone so am I am I on the are lookin I can you see if I'm on the

AR Drone anyone with a Wi-Fi hotspot get stucked out in about 20 seconds just saying yeah you're connected dude okay so so the very basic thing you do is sort of take off oh yeah Haydn's taste it you like ask you to do something like stuff like up

[ ... ]

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