Codemotion Roma 2013

Cómo adaptar los vídeos al nuevo mundo móvil

Greg Schechter  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

code a motion so this is a talk that i like to call mobile meow bringing video to the mobile world and so just a little bit about Who I am I'm Greg Schechter I like to call myself the web warrior and I used to dress like this everyday I don't anymore

but I still liked using the the picture for it and so I work for I work for facebook and so if you want to contact me here's my email address down there just my last name at FB com but before I was at Facebook I spent three years as a tech lead of the

html5 player at YouTube so all this is coming from a lot of my work that I did with YouTube in the html5 space so like I said this is really about an eight this is an html5 talk for those of you who might not be as familiar with html5 well it's pretty

much just like HTML Javascript CSS and we added a whole bunch of Awesomeness to it and so there are not a lot of new features that came out that word that have been added to what the browser can do today and you know the obvious ones for for doing video are

the multimedia api's but with the with making a video player specifically the one at YouTube we actually use quite a number of these different features they came out and today I'm going to mostly focus on just these two multimedia and offline storage

and we'll get there at the end so let's start diving straight into to multimedia stuff so just like a little sort of background a little history about about YouTube about the video space you know but most of the time when people would think about video

that obviously was on the desktop context when I think about video when i think about my work that I did at YouTube it was usually about making cat videos because because everybody loves a good cat video and we used to serve these in flash it was it was great

and then this new technology came around html5 and so that's kind of you know where this project stud is now okay what's this html5 thing what can we do with it so we had a couple expectations going into it what could we get out of using html5 and

the first thing is it's it's you know this open source world which is great we got open source browsers codecs and even players that we can really hook into and help sort of accelerate the development process there also because we're not having

to instantiate this extra plugin we don't need flash anymore we should be able to see better performance it should be able to be a lot faster and that's always better for a lot of our applications making them as fast as possible and because it's

sort of built into the browser we should get sort of just better fidelity and performance and we shouldn't see things crashes often we should have just a smoother experience and one of my favorite things is accessibility you get all the wins that you get

by building things natively in the browser all those accessibility tools that we have available are going to work seamlessly with flash there's a lot of extra work that you have to do not everything works as as good as it should and so you sort of get

these accessibility wins for free and then the last thing and this is this didn't we didn't think about this first but power consumption is an interesting one and I'll dive in deeper about that later so now the question is you know who can even

use html5 technologies today because we got a lot of users on a lot of different browsers and and today like it of course depends on on your users where they're coming from but the sites that I've worked with it's roughly about eighty percent of

our users have a browser that can support the html5 video tag and then on top of that there's a lot of different features and the percentage should have goes down a little bit depending on if you want access to the full screen API which we'll talk

about a little bit more too but so it's like eighty percent so the question sort of that was posed here was we have this flash player it's great why are we going to do this this other thing that only sort of touches eighty percent of our users what's

what's the point and so the world sort of looked like this we had this flash lived in all these different places we could use a lot of in pretty much any place that somebody wanted to watch a video html5 had a good sort of chunk of overlap but then we

have this tiny little her where was html5 only and that was mostly sort of your iPhone your iPad your iPad sort of thing at the time and and like why are we going to put all this like development effort into that well when we actually looked at how people

wanted to use video people who wanted to build applications and where they were going to make these new these new ways to have a video experience the the graph kind of shifted and most people were trying to build things trying to make things off of our api's

into the phone space and the tablet space and and so this was made it sort of obvious okay we need to have an html5 player in order to support these people who are developing stuff so now you know let's let's talk about mobile a little bit more year

so why why is it important now I said you know I said that people were sort of developing on on these mobile spaces but when we look at sort of i think this graph sort of does a good job explaining sort of why it's important basically a couple years back

we had a little tiny bit of people who are watching mobile videos and and and now it's it's it's grown to about twenty-five percent and the important thing to see here is that on the desktop growth is slowed a lot we're not getting as many

the growth of it isn't as creasing as much as mobile and in a couple years we might start to see more will be the dominant place where people are watching videos and so in order for us to stay up with the game and to grow faster we really need to capitalize

on this mobile experience and like the numbers at facebook i don't i don't think they've publicize any but they're like even more staggering and how people are actually using mobile / desktop for for youtube because because it's a video

and you got to worry about network stuff i think the growth is a lot slower but it's definitely moving in that direction so okay so let's let's actually talk about how you're going to do video on mobile so we kind of had three options we got

flash we sort of have native playback in html5 video so the first one flash it's kind of exactly the same as you'll see on the desktop you really don't have to make any changes which is great except you don't actually have flash everywhere

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Nota: se han omitido las otras 3.212 palabras de la transcripción completa para cumplir con las normas de «uso razonable» de YouTube.