BackboneConf 2013

Utilizando los plugins de jQuery en las vistas de Backbone

John K. Paul  · 


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every measure myself latta half oh-ho good afternoon I take samosa coming and I think we talk to you about jQuery plugins how to keep them warm and toasty a comfortable cozy back so do you coat as you can see I have the slides anymore one step okay so I'm

really glad this happened to be immediately after lunch because I don't have to worry about anything complaining that i'm showing you all the bread and carve hungry it's all fine so Who am I my name is John Paul I've looked for condé nast on

that platform engineering team I know a lot of New Yorkers here so we are hiring let me know I love JavaScript it's I have dolly ounces and things with other programming languages every once in a while but I always come back to JavaScript because is a

great program you can follow find me at all of these internet location is over here I just tweeted my slides in case you would like to follow along with me so I want to start off talking to you about invention so us as developers we actually are inventors

we just don't really consider ourselves in this visiting we there we consider ourselves more the Greybeards not necessarily great crazy mad scientist hair but all we do all the time is create things to make strings that work for our users that work for

our product I mean most often we do that from something else to developers comment the invention process and i think is to completely distinct ways then sometimes we choose one over the other some people like starting with completely not like building up JavaScript

applications from their base level maybe they don't want jquery maybe they don't want backbone but i like to to know every piece of their framework from the beginning and some other people like to start with things that are existing i think we're

pretty much well in that category we like backbone like jQuery plugins in general we have deadlines and once we have deadlines we're going to have to choose something that's out there that will make us hit these deadlines would work faster and be able

to take existing pieces that are already out there on the internet and put them into our own cotton also if you don't have this kind of toaster thing that makes the eggs you should really go out to get one it is awesome the best invention ever make sure

you use pam for the egg trainer gets better so enter enter jquery players so jQuery plugins are what gives us this kind of functionality it's the multi-tool of the front-end developer chances are everything you could possibly want to build has already

been built out there in terms of widgets already that you can just take because they're really nicely freely licensed from calendar date pickers modal's galleries autocompletes charts maps there's there's tons there are hundreds on plugins

at jquery comic not thousands like I should probably looked up this count before there are thousands of jQuery plugins out there for you to take and Jake rubato itself is right less do more this is that in and of itself you take things that are freely licensed

for you to use in your own projects at your own companies you let rely on the other these plugins to give you functionality that for you turn on your own might take weeks or months to actually build out like a complex charting library or something like that

so when you actually start using these plugins especially in backbone applications what this oh I just now realized that this timer has not started how do you start okay that's you have so when you actually start using plugins it ends up just being mountains

of configuration you copy and paste these things from their babies and you start typing into your application okay so i want i want this configuration options exist this other configuration option to me that because this is how jquery plugins are intended

to be used at the interface that the creator of the plugin gives to you is a big options object that you can configure and use anywhere you need it so every sit there if you look at it addy Osmani has a blog post about how to build jquery plugins and jquery

plugin patterns and he has over i think 15 different plugin patents this is really great for the jquery plugin developer because they get to build something that fits their own framework i get to build something that fits their own company and workflows that

they have if they want to use your purchase if they want constructors everywhere and using you they can build everything the way that they wanted to that kind of flexibility means that there are lots of jquery plugins which is awesome it's great we all

get to share in this kind of environment but in the end all these do you free plug-ins are barely a level above this beginning that we're all running away from when we run in the background we had the jquery spaghetti of collecting stuff and doing something

with it for a long time and then backbone gives us some sort of structure when you started degrading and jquery plugins to your backbone application or pretty much anywhere you're not that far a level above j crisp yet so what i want to do is explain how

to wrap your jquery spaghetti wrap your jquery plugins in in a warm rapper a backbone views and to show that so i have i have a spectrum of toast here and again i am personally personally I'm a second row last toast kind of guy but feel free to mentally

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